home remedies

Do Not Throw Away Corn Silk, It Has Many Health Benefits!

Have you noticed those little fibers on corn on the cob? Usually when we eat corn, we throw them out without realizing they have medicinal properties. Recent studies show that corn silk tea can be even healthier than corn itself. Now that you know all of the…

What Apple Cider Vinegar Really Does To Your Body?

Have you ever heard about the benefits of apple cider vinegar? This natural medicine has a growing list of benefits to health, all scientifically proven. Did you know? Apple cider vinegar is rich in antioxidants, called polyphenols, which protect the cells against alterations that could lead to…

6 Easy Steps to Heal Your Thyroid Naturally

Looking for natural ways to treat your thyroid problems? Then this video is for you! Changes in the thyroid gland are becoming more and more frequent, and appear up to 7 times more frequently in women than in men. The causes for this can be varied, ranging…

How To Use Turmeric Correctly Every Day, To Have Amazing Results!

This is one of our favorite roots here in our channel. So much that we have published many videos about it: benefits, recipes, etc. However, we still see many people using turmeric the wrong way in their daily lives. Also known as curcumin, it is an amazing…

How to Identify Genetically Modified Food at the Grocery Store

If you are someone who tries to be health conscious about your diet and lifestyle, then you should probably know just how harmful pesticides, growth accelerators, ripening agents, and other chemicals can be for you. Do you even know how common these chemicals are? In order to…

Benefits of Probiotics: What Doctors May Not Tell You

Have you ever heard about probiotics? They are good bacteria that live in your intestine. Looking at our bellies, it’s hard to imagine that more than 10 trillion microorganisms live in there. Did you know that? They are capable of improving our health, offering benefits to digestion…

The Best Digestive Enzymes to Build a Stronger Gut

Our enzymes are so important to the body that, if they are in a deficit, our digestive and nutrient absorption capacities are reduced, causing many health issues. Digestive enzymes are produced and secreted by the mouth, stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, and intestines, and they help with the digestive…