Pain Relief

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Headache Pain

Headache pain can be a precursor to something more serious happening in your body – but most headaches are not life-threatening and are caused by temporary maladies such as allergies, stress, tension or diet. Migraine headaches are in a different classification, but some natural remedies can be…

Benefits That Green Tea Has on Your Health

If you’re a tea drinker, you may have come across many different flavors of tea lining the aisles of the grocery store. You may have even seen and tried green tea in your taste-testing endeavors. You may have noticed that it held a nice, gentle flavor, but…

Aromatherapy Used In Treatments of Medical Conditions

Aromatherapy is an ancient practice of using certain aromatic fragrances to stimulate nerves within the nose.  Those nerves reach the necessary part of the brain that controls certain functions. The science of aromatherapy is the use of scented oils that come from varying parts of flowers, plants,…

How Acupuncture Has Been Used for Pain Management

People who suffer from chronic pain can sometimes benefit from the ancient practice of acupuncture. The Chinese have used this form of treatment for centuries, but western medicine is just getting around to recognizing it as a viable tool to treat pain. Rather than treating pain with…