Home Remedies

5 Natural Laxatives That Actually Work

Are there any natural laxatives that work? To deal with not being “regular,” many people turn to laxatives to get the job done fast. Do you have difficulty or pain evacuating? Very common in people who suffer from constipation, they are classic signals that something is wrong…

Sleep Better With This Simple Banana Peel Tea

Did you know that banana tea will help you sleep? If you suffer from insomnia, banana tea is a natural sleep aid, great for sleeplessness. Sleep is fundamental for our quality of life, and for us to be healthy, both physically and mentally. We need to sleep…

This Miraculous Drink Will Work Wonders For Your Thyroid

Looking for natural treatments for hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism? Your thyroid can be found a few fingers below your Adam's apple. It's a butterfly-shaped gland that plays a very important role in your body: it produces thyroid hormones. These hormones are like fuel for our body, stimulating all…

Drink Raisin Water Daily On Empty Stomach to Get These Benefits!

At first sight, raisins might be a little unpleasant because of their wrinkly, dry appearance. However, you might want to put this aside since they are considered a healthy alternative for snacks or in recipes. Raisin is a dry fruit, obtained through the dehydration of fresh grapes,…

Do Not Throw Away Corn Silk, It Has Many Health Benefits!

Have you noticed those little fibers on corn on the cob? Usually when we eat corn, we throw them out without realizing they have medicinal properties. Recent studies show that corn silk tea can be even healthier than corn itself. Now that you know all of the…

What Apple Cider Vinegar Really Does To Your Body?

Have you ever heard about the benefits of apple cider vinegar? This natural medicine has a growing list of benefits to health, all scientifically proven. Did you know? Apple cider vinegar is rich in antioxidants, called polyphenols, which protect the cells against alterations that could lead to…

Sore Throat Natural Cure

I haven’t blogged for quite a while, but I’m still here still thinking about you still eager to share helpful health tips with you. Last time, I was talking about taking time out to restore your soul. So maybe you figured I took my own advice for…

Mother Knows Best.. About Your Health!

I wanted to write this on Mother’s Day, but it didn’t get past the thought version before my big day was in progress. no time left for writing until today. We say Mothers Know Best and often they do. Wisdom is passed down from generation to generation,…

Honey Cough Syrup Recipe

In a recent post, I mentioned a couple of natural antibiotics (garlic and white willow bark). But I forgot that honey is also a natural antibiotic. Honey will kill any bacteria! I rediscovered that fact while reading an article by Dr. Mercola yesterday.**  The article is about…