Natural Cures

So What Does Honey Heal?

Honey has been used for over 4,000 years to treat dozens of ailments. Did you know that? Besides being great for soothing throat tissues, here are a couple of other uses for honey that might surprise you. (Both of these are mentioned in the direct mail piece…

But I Have Trouble Sleeping…

OK, we discussed avoiding sleep deprivation last time. Often our hectic schedules make it hard to get enough sleep. But maybe the schedule is not the issue. Maybe you just have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. You allow enough time for sleeping, but you just don’t…

Sore Throat Natural Cure

I haven’t blogged for quite a while, but I’m still here still thinking about you still eager to share helpful health tips with you. Last time, I was talking about taking time out to restore your soul. So maybe you figured I took my own advice for…

Honey Cough Syrup Recipe

In a recent post, I mentioned a couple of natural antibiotics (garlic and white willow bark). But I forgot that honey is also a natural antibiotic. Honey will kill any bacteria! I rediscovered that fact while reading an article by Dr. Mercola yesterday.**  The article is about…

Beat Insomnia – The Natural Way

You probably know how frustrating a sleepless night can be. You’re so tired the next morning that you may be disoriented and unable to function as you should. If you suffer from sleep loss on a regular basis, you most likely have insomnia. Hormonal changes, heart disease,…

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Headache Pain

Headache pain can be a precursor to something more serious happening in your body – but most headaches are not life-threatening and are caused by temporary maladies such as allergies, stress, tension or diet. Migraine headaches are in a different classification, but some natural remedies can be…

Benefits That Green Tea Has on Your Health

If you’re a tea drinker, you may have come across many different flavors of tea lining the aisles of the grocery store. You may have even seen and tried green tea in your taste-testing endeavors. You may have noticed that it held a nice, gentle flavor, but…

How Acupuncture Has Been Used for Pain Management

People who suffer from chronic pain can sometimes benefit from the ancient practice of acupuncture. The Chinese have used this form of treatment for centuries, but western medicine is just getting around to recognizing it as a viable tool to treat pain. Rather than treating pain with…