Spirit & Soul Health

How to Increase Your Happy Hormone Naturally (Dopamine)

If you want to be productive and get things done, this video will explain to you a few ways to boost your dopamine levels, one of the "happy hormones". Do any of these symptoms sound familiar to you? Lack of motivation, apathy, the inability to feel pleasure,…

Restoring My Soul (and Body) … With Sleep!

How much sleep do you get? Do you sleep the proverbial 8 hours every night? Probably not. Most of us have lives that are way too complex for the luxury of sleeping until we are fully rested. Now that I work from home, I usually sleep about…

Aromatherapy Scents That Are Good for Your Mental Health

Aromatherapy has long been touted as a beneficial therapy for physical conditions.  But it can also be good for your mental health as well.  Extracting the scented oils from various plants, aromatherapy products permeate your body and mind to offer relaxing, healthful benefits that last. Aromatherapy should…

Aromatherapy Used In Treatments of Medical Conditions

Aromatherapy is an ancient practice of using certain aromatic fragrances to stimulate nerves within the nose.  Those nerves reach the necessary part of the brain that controls certain functions. The science of aromatherapy is the use of scented oils that come from varying parts of flowers, plants,…

Exercises That Are Good for Your Brain

In today’s world of computers, television, magazines and newspapers all spewing out information to us and overloading our brains, it’s no wonder that we have trouble remembering things. It’s sometimes difficult for us to concentrate on the task at hand because of bells, whistles and other modern…

Foods That Are Good for Your Mind

There are “feel good” foods that are exceptionally good for your mind and your body. Whether you’re a college student facing finals week or a senior citizen concerned about memory loss and lack of concentration, you’ll benefit from knowing which foods to eat that will give you…