Physical Health & Fitness

Sore Throat Natural Cure

I haven’t blogged for quite a while, but I’m still here still thinking about you still eager to share helpful health tips with you. Last time, I was talking about taking time out to restore your soul. So maybe you figured I took my own advice for…

Mother Knows Best.. About Your Health!

I wanted to write this on Mother’s Day, but it didn’t get past the thought version before my big day was in progress. no time left for writing until today. We say Mothers Know Best and often they do. Wisdom is passed down from generation to generation,…

Honey Cough Syrup Recipe

In a recent post, I mentioned a couple of natural antibiotics (garlic and white willow bark). But I forgot that honey is also a natural antibiotic. Honey will kill any bacteria! I rediscovered that fact while reading an article by Dr. Mercola yesterday.**  The article is about…

Honey Can Heal WHAT?

The envelope arrived in my mailbox with big red letters on the front, asking “Honey Can Heal What?” Got my attention… because I like using good old-fashioned remedies, as you probably know. Simple things such as honey were part of my growing up years. How about you?…

Fighting A Sinus Infection… and Winning!

Yes, this time I’m talking about myself. I’m winning my battle with a yucky sinus infection. (A previous post, about having trouble sleeping, that was NOT my problem. Just clarifying, in case the title confused you.) But this post is personal. It’s me who is getting over…

How to Identify Genetically Modified Food at the Grocery Store

If you are someone who tries to be health conscious about your diet and lifestyle, then you should probably know just how harmful pesticides, growth accelerators, ripening agents, and other chemicals can be for you. Do you even know how common these chemicals are? In order to…

Benefits of Probiotics: What Doctors May Not Tell You

Have you ever heard about probiotics? They are good bacteria that live in your intestine. Looking at our bellies, it’s hard to imagine that more than 10 trillion microorganisms live in there. Did you know that? They are capable of improving our health, offering benefits to digestion…

The Best Digestive Enzymes to Build a Stronger Gut

Our enzymes are so important to the body that, if they are in a deficit, our digestive and nutrient absorption capacities are reduced, causing many health issues. Digestive enzymes are produced and secreted by the mouth, stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, and intestines, and they help with the digestive…

Beat Insomnia – The Natural Way

You probably know how frustrating a sleepless night can be. You’re so tired the next morning that you may be disoriented and unable to function as you should. If you suffer from sleep loss on a regular basis, you most likely have insomnia. Hormonal changes, heart disease,…

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Headache Pain

Headache pain can be a precursor to something more serious happening in your body – but most headaches are not life-threatening and are caused by temporary maladies such as allergies, stress, tension or diet. Migraine headaches are in a different classification, but some natural remedies can be…